Hotplate has an opportunity to fundamentally change the food industry for the better, and allow millions of people to make a living doing what they love in a way that was not possible before. To do this we operate under the following values.

Our mission

Increase the diversity and accessibility of food by making it possible for anyone to start a food business.

Our values

  1. Chefs first.
    1. We are hyper-focused on building an intuitive, thoughtful, kick-ass product to power a broader ecosystem of food entrepreneurs. No decision, project or initiative should put anything secondary to the best interest of Chefs.
  2. Explore and experiment.
    1. Push yourself to grow outside your comfort zone to better yourself, your teammates, and Hotplate as a whole.
  3. Ruthlessly prioritize.
    1. Say no to things. Choose the most critical and impactful task and do not let yourself be distracted from it.
  4. Lift each other up.
    1. Celebrate and champion your teammates’ successes, openly and publicly.
  5. Be direct.
    1. Speak your mind plainly and openly, often.
  6. Do the hard thing.
    1. Push yourself to do the hard thing, not the comfortable thing: have that tough conversation, work a little longer on that project to make sure its done right, do jobs outside your expertise to get things over the line.
  7. Strong convictions, loosely held.
    1. Don’t be attached to your ideas, be attached to the outcome you are fighting for. Be impassioned when you think an idea is right, but ready to change direction and commit when we find a better way.
  8. Everyone takes out the trash.
    1. No job is below you.